How to Know if You Should Text Her

(CNN)Science is often considered a male-dominated field.

In fact, co-ordinate to United Nations data, less than thirty% of scientific researchers worldwide are women.

Studies accept shown that women are discouraged from, or get less interested in, entering the fields of science, engineering, engineering and math (Stalk) beginning at a immature age. And according to the Pew Research Center, women remain underrepresented in engineering science, computer science and concrete science.

    Only despite challenges of gender discrimination and lack of recognition in the scientific customs, endless inspiring women in these fields have made historic contributions to scientific discipline and helped advance understanding of the world around us. Many were not recognized in their own lifetimes, but their achievements have helped generations of female scientists to come.

      We all learned about Marie Curie and Jane Goodall, but here are 10 more women in science y'all should know.

      Alice Ball (1892-1916)

      American chemist Alice Ball was the commencement woman and first African American to receive a principal's from the University of Hawaii and went on to go the university'due south first female person chemistry professor. At just 23 years old, Ball developed a groundbreaking handling for leprosy -- a disease which previously had petty chance of recovery and forced victims into exile.

      Prior to Ball's research on leprosy, the best treatment bachelor was chaulmoogra oil, which was hard for patients to ingest or utilize topically and also thick to inject. While working as a research banana at Kalihi Hospital in Hawaii, Brawl adult an easily injectable grade of the oil that ultimately saved countless lives and became the best treatment for leprosy until the 1940s.

      Unfortunately she died before she was able to publish the findings, and the president of the University of Hawaii attempted to claim the research equally his own until Ball'southward former supervisor publicly spoke out that she deserved the credit for the lifesaving injection. It wasn't until the 21st century that her achievements were fully recognized and the governor of Hawaii declared February 29 "Alice Ball Day."

      Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958)

      Legend has information technology that British chemist and DNA researcher Rosalind Franklin knew she wanted to exist a scientist since she was 15 years onetime. That dream went on to become a reality when she was offered a prestigious scholarship to Male monarch'southward College London, where she became an proficient in the X-ray crystallography unit.

      Franklin's research data was the first to demonstrate the basic dimensions of DNA strands and reveal the molecule was in two matching parts, running in opposite directions. Her information was used past James Watson and Francis Crick to get their inquiry on the DNA model beyond the finish line, and was published separately equally supporting data alongside Watson, Crick and Maurice Wilkins' enquiry manufactures in Nature.

      Many people in the scientific community debate that Franklin should have been awarded a Nobel Prize alongside Watson, Crick and Maurice Wilkins, who won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries apropos the molecular construction of nucleic acids and its significance for data transfer in living textile." Unfortunately, Franklin died from ovarian cancer in 1958, just four years earlier the prize was awarded, fifty-fifty though at the time the organization could take awarded it posthumously.

      Dorothy Hodgkin (1910-1994)

      Dorothy Hodgkin was a British chemist on the cutting edge of X-ray crystallography. In 1964, Hodgkin became the start and only British adult female to win the Nobel Prize in Chemical science "for her determinations by Ten-ray techniques of the structures of of import biochemical substances."

      Throughout her career, she fabricated numerous breakthrough discoveries, including the atomic structure of penicillin, the structure of vitamin B12 and the construction of insulin. Hodgkin also spent decades improving X-ray crystallography techniques, which fabricated information technology possible for her to complete her innovative enquiry on insulin and improve treatments for diabetes.

      She besides became the second adult female to win the UK's prestigious Lodge of Merit in 1965. While Hodgin was a professor at Oxford University, she even mentored Prime number Minister Margaret Thatcher, who would go on to win the Order of Merit herself.

      Grace Hopper (1906-1992)

      Grace Hopper was a trailblazing reckoner programmer who helped develop multiple computer languages and is considered i of the first programmers of the modern computing age.

      Armed with a master's caste and PhD in mathematics from Yale, Hopper went on to have an influential career in the private sector and the US Navy. She joined the Usa Naval Reserve in 1943 to help with the American war endeavour, and throughout WWII she worked in a prestigious lab responsible for superlative-secret calculations such equally calibrating minesweepers, calculating the ranges of anti-shipping guns and checking the math behind the creation of the plutonium bomb.

      Her career also contributed to modern computer vernacular. While Hopper was developing some of the earliest electromechanical computers -- Mark I and Marking II -- she dismantled a malfunctioning computer to detect that a dead moth was causing the trouble. She became the offset person to call figurer problems "bugs" in the system.

      Barbara McClintock (1902-1992)

      American botanist Barbara McClintock was responsible for several groundbreaking discoveries in the field of genetics post-obit her decades-long career studying the genetic structure of maize. McClintock studied how genetic characteristics are passed down through generations, eventually uncovering that some genes could be mobile.

      In the 1940s and 1950s, McClintock's research revealed that genetic elements could sometimes movement on a chromosome and thus cause nearby genes to activate. But information technology wasn't until decades afterward that scientists autonomously from maize specialists understood and recognized the immense value of her discovery.

      McClintock was awarded the National Medal of Science in 1971 and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983 "for her discovery of mobile genetic elements," now chosen transposons.

      Lise Meitner (1878-1968)

      Austrian physicist Lise Meitner contributed significant advancements to the field of nuclear physics. She was as well the first woman to get a physics professor in Frg.

      Meitner's work on nuclear fission was instrumental in her longtime research collaborator Otto Hahn winning the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and then much so that many scientists after argued it was unfair for her contributions to not have been recognized as by the Nobel Committee. Meitner was also an advocate for the peaceful use of atomic energy and flatly refused to piece of work on the Manhattan Project because she strongly opposed using fission to create an atom bomb.

      Today, multiple prestigious awards in physics are named in honor of Meitner and she even has a chemical element -- meitnerium -- named afterwards her.

      Sally Ride (1951-2012)

      NASA astronaut Sally Ride became the get-go American woman in infinite, serving as a mission specialist on the space shuttle Challenger in 1983. At 32 years old, she was also the youngest American to ever exit the atmosphere. (She wasn't the start adult female in space, though -- that championship belongs to Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.)

      Afterwards the Challenger disaster in 1986, in which an explosion occurred shortly afterward takeoff and claimed the lives of 7 astronauts, Ride served on the Rogers Commission, which investigated the tragedy. She also helped investigate the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003, during which the shuttle disintegrated equally it re-entered the atmosphere, making Ride the just person to serve on both investigation commissions.

      Ride went on to have an award-winning career as a public servant and as a physics professor at the University of California, San Diego. She also founded "Sally Ride Science," an organization that aims to inspire young people in Stem, and she wrote several books about her feel in infinite to teach kids about science.

      Tu Youyou (1930-present)

      Pharmaceutical chemist Tu Youyou'due south discovery of a new malaria treatment has saved millions of lives. Tu, who studied traditional Chinese and herbal medicines, plant a reference in ancient medical texts to using sweet wormwood to treat intermittent fevers -- a symptom of malaria.

      Tu and her enquiry team were able to extract a malaria-inhibiting substance chosen artemisinin (or qinghaosu in Chinese) from wormwood. She even volunteered to exist the first man subject to test the substance. Since her discovery of artemisinin in the 1970s, antimalarial drugs based on the substance have saved millions of lives.

      Tu is now principal scientist at the Red china Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine -- a position she reached without a medical degree, a PhD, or research training away. She won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery, which has been deemed "arguably the most of import pharmaceutical intervention in the last one-half-century" past the Lasker Foundation for medical research.

      Maria Winkelmann (1670-1720)

      Maria Winkelmann was a pioneer in German astronomy. In 1902, she became the kickoff adult female to find a new comet. Sadly, her husband Gottfried Kirch published the discovery in his own name, and did not publicly reveal her every bit the truthful source of the comet discovery until years after.

      Even so, Winkelmann was still widely recognized as an accomplished scientist during her fourth dimension, and her research and observations on sunspots, Aurora Borealis and comets were met with high regard. She besides took on an agile role in improving the Berlin Academy of Science, where her hubby served as the main astronomer.

      But years afterward the Academy turned on her. While serving as an banana to her son at the Berlin Observatory, Academy members complained she took on too prominent of a role and forced her into retirement -- ending her astronomy career in 1716, anile 46.

      Chien-Shiung Wu (1912-1997)

      Chinese-American physicist Chien-Shiung Wu is credited with disproving one of the basic laws of physics, called conservation of parity. Prior to Wu's work, the laws of physics stated that all objects and their mirror images behaved in the same way, symmetrically, meaning that nature could not distinguish between right and left. Wu's quantum inquiry revealed that during the process of radioactivity, decaying identical nuclear particles didn't always behave symmetrically.

        She as well worked on the Manhattan Project, helping develop the process for separating uranium metallic and developing better instruments to measure nuclear radiation.

        In 1973, Wu became the first woman to atomic number 82 the American Physical Guild, and in 1975 she received the National Medal of Science. Her book "Beta Disuse" remains a standard textbook for nuclear physics students.


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